Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 @ 7:00:pm
#FrayLife Deals: Phoenix Suns vs. Memphis Grizzlies
Footprint Center
Maggiano's Little Italy Scottsdale
Member Price: $25-35
What a great way to kick off the cheerful season by interacting with Santa. Tell him your wants and wishes, and don’t forget to capture that legendary photo!
Listen to Italian holiday classic songs as you enjoy the breakfast buffet. You’ll even hear a special story from Santa that will leave you in a gleeful spirit.
This event time is two hours long to enjoy the festivities and breakfast.
Event is for children up to 12 years old and all children must be accompanied by at least one adult. Adults accompanying children must also purchase a buffet breakfast ticket.
Children tickets are $25 eachAdults tickets are $35 each
8:30 AM Doors Open 8:45 AM-10 AM Pictures with Santa 8:45 AM Buffet Opens 10 AM Story time
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