
You are the the Go-Getters. The Type-A Leaders of the Pack.

You are a Captain for PHX Fray this Season...So what does that mean?!?

First Off: You're awesome! You've accepted the call to be your team's leader.

Second: You play FOR FREE! That's right, captains of promoted teams receive their registration back at the end of the season. Registration will be returned as a credit towards a future PHX Fray league/event!!!

So you play the season and you've already covered your next season...captain again?

That's another season...and on...and on...and You get it right?

Your Responsibilities

As the Captain you are the FUN Ambassador of your team. We believe in good sportsmanship, friendly competition and FUN! Everyone is out to have a good time in a stress-free environment (we get enough stress at work!) so make sure to keep it light and encouraging on the team.

We all know getting a bunch of adults together is like herding cats so we understand the struggle of keeping the team organized. Here are a couple of tips...

  • Send WEEKLY emails! Keep the team engaged with a fun email a few days before your games. Include your game time, location (if needed) and a fun recap or story from the previous week.
  • To start the season, Captains should send out a Welcome Email to the team to get the conversation rolling and to introduce teammates as everyone may not know each other.
  • Check and Double-Check the schedule before your game. The schedule on is a LIVE schedule so changes (though rare) can happen.
  • Name a co-captain for the team. If there is a situation where you cannot make a game, your co-captain can fill in!
  • In the event of a forfeit, make sure to email PHX Fray at least 24 hours in advance so we can notify your opponents and adjust the schedule if need be. More than 2 forfeits in a season disqualifies you from the end of season tournament.
  • Keep it social! Our leagues and teams are designed to be FUN! So your team will have a wide range of skills and competitiveness but if you reinforce that this is a SOCIAL SPORT people are less likely to take things too serious.
  • You're the captain so you are the only person who should be speaking to refs/umps/hosts if there is a situation during a game. We know tempers can rise so you are the one to keep a level head and speak on behalf of your team. Staff will also come directly to you if they have an issue to resolve.
  • Spread the word! Everyone loves to see themselves tagged in photos/videos so if you snap something awesome at the field or bar make sure to tag PHX Fray and your friends! IG, FB and Twitter are all @PHXFray (tag us!)


If you EVER have any questions,concerns or suggestions just email us at [email protected]